Thursday, February 28, 2008

One in four U. S. teen girls have VD

One in every four teenage girls in U.S. has at least one of the most common venereal diseases, according to a recent study conducted by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Based on the study, the authors conservatively estimate that 3.2 million American teenage girls are infected with VD. The authors say that the total number might actually a bit higher since venereal diseases like Syphilis, HIV and Gonorrhea were not included in the analysis.

More than 3 million are infected. The incidence is highest among black American teen aged girls. The infection rate is higher in the U. S. than in Europe.The four common venereal diseases included in the study are human papillomavirus (HPV), chlamydia, genital herpes and trichomoniasis. The study was conducted among girls aged 14-19.